Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Little Something Special!

FREE 8x10 Christmas Printable!!

Today is 12-12-12! Since it’s such a cool day, I wanted to do something fantastic for all of my followers. I made this for myself last night to give a little more flavor to my Christmas décor. Now I want to share it with you! In return, PLEASE HEAD ON OVER TO MY PAGE ON FACEBOOK, SHARE THIS POST AND LIKE TRACI HUNTSMAN DESIGN before taking. And MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Monday, November 19, 2012

It's GIVEAWAY time!

I'm having my first annual Christmas Card design giveaway!

Here's what you need to do--

Head on over to my facebook page Traci Huntsman Design. Go to my photo album "Christmas Cards" and leave a comment on the design you like best. You can leave up to three comments. For each one you make, I'll enter your name into a drawing. You can also get an additional entry for liking my page if you haven't yet. On Thanksgiving Day I'll choose a winner for a free Christmas Card design! SEASONS GREETINGS! :)
To see all of my new designs this year, you'll have to check out facebook. But here's a little teaser, because what design post is exciting without a picture??

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm back!!

So, the truth is I've been back for a while. I'm just terrible at blogging. But I'm vowing right now to be better about it! Keep checking in on me!

The Lincolnator joined us in May and he's pretty cute! Here's his birth announcement. I'm in love (with him... the announcement is pretty great too though!)

My summer has been all about BABIES! I have two friends pregnant with twins, and a handful of other friends with little ones on the way as well. That means there have been a lot of baby shower invitations in the making. Here are a few of my favorites--

 Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Big News from Traci Huntsman Design!

Some big things have been happening in our corner of the world and I'm excited to share them with you!

First, I'm proud to announce that I now offer printing services! All prints are high-quality and done on durable card stock. You can choose either a glossy or matte finish. They will include white envelopes and will be shipped directly to you. You'll get a big smile on your face when they show up on your doorstep and you see how good they look!

Second, there's a little baby on the way!

I'm due at the beginning of May and might be slowing down for a month or so. Make sure that you get your orders placed early, especially you seniors! Graduation is just around the corner!