Monday, November 19, 2012

It's GIVEAWAY time!

I'm having my first annual Christmas Card design giveaway!

Here's what you need to do--

Head on over to my facebook page Traci Huntsman Design. Go to my photo album "Christmas Cards" and leave a comment on the design you like best. You can leave up to three comments. For each one you make, I'll enter your name into a drawing. You can also get an additional entry for liking my page if you haven't yet. On Thanksgiving Day I'll choose a winner for a free Christmas Card design! SEASONS GREETINGS! :)
To see all of my new designs this year, you'll have to check out facebook. But here's a little teaser, because what design post is exciting without a picture??

1 comment:

  1. I guess I didn't win cause I haven't heard from you!! What a bummer!!!!
